Shoulder Pain


Anyone who has experienced shoulder pain knows how painful and debilitating it can be.

Shoulder pain can:

  • Disturb your sleep

  • Restrict everyday activities due to pain and stiffness

  • Affect all age groups

  • Limit your ability to play sport or work

  • Severely affect your quality of life

Types of shoulder problems that are treated effectively with physiotherapy:

Rotator cuff injury

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles working together to provide stability and to rotate the shoulder joint. This is a common injury in:

    • Athletes who throw or play tennis and swimmers of all ages
    • Workers doing repetitive actions with or without a load
  • People over 50 years of age who experience wear and tear of the tendons

Rotator cuff degeneration and injury is very common. Many people find it difficult to manage and ‘put up with it’ for some time before seeing help. In some cases, physiotherapy can prevent the need for surgery which also involves prolonged periods of mobilisation and rehabilitation.

Your physiotherapist will perform a thorough assessment to determine the type and extent of your injury and then will design a treatment plan. We’ll teach you exercises to improve the range of motion and to strengthen your shoulder. If appropriate, your physio will help to relieve any symptoms by using hands-on techniques.

AC joint injury

The AC joint is the point where the clavicle (collar bone) meets the scapular (shoulder blade). Often damaged during contact sport, this joint can be injured by falling on the shoulder, elbow or onto an outstretched arm. It can also cause pain as a consequence of arthritic changes. After a thorough assessment, your physiotherapist will recommend an appropriate course of treatment to help you resume your normal activities.

Unstable or dislocated shoulder

Shoulder pain from an unstable shoulder occurs when the joint moves around more than it should. This commonly occurs during active sports such as swimming, throwing a ball or tackling in contact sports.

Your physiotherapist will recommend the appropriate treatment after a thorough assessment of the nature of the instability and the extent of the injury or damage.

The rehabilitation of any shoulder injury requires skilled management from your health professional and your own earnest commitment to recovery.

We treat patients who are referred to our clinic from all over Sydney and NSW where our experience and the latest techniques are combined to maximise positive results.

If shoulder pain has been getting you down, the expert physiotherapists at The Oval Physiotherapy can help.

Call us on (02) 9955 8766 to book your appointment today

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